I have a few books on my summer reading list this year. There are two main topics that I’m focusing on for the next couple of months, the first is deep learning specifically for edge and computer vision projects, the second are software engineering best practices for coding.
I got into computer vision recently, during the course of my remote university studies. I was waiting for an opportunity to get into this field, as I’ve already been working in machine learning for quite some time in my current job as a machine learning engineer in data science, but so far the applications for me have been all sales and marketing data related. Being a tech-guy, computer vision adds a technical aspect that makes this topic highly interesting to me. I’m someone who really enjoys working with hardware. So I happily took the opportunity to work on a computer vision related project, when the opportunity presented itself.
1. Practical Deep Learning for Cloud, Mobile and AI: Solid collection of practical projects for edge. I’ve worked with a Jetson Nano and found this very enjoyable. Looking forward to getting into this book and into some of the edge projects. Probably more of a hackathon-read to tackle during a couple of weekends than a bedside book!
2. Learning OpenCV 4 Computer Vision with Python: I’m using this as a practical approach to learning about OpenCV but also image processing in general. I’ve already used the book in the course of my last object detection project.
The second area of interest is software engineering best practices, with a focus on clean coding and design principles. That’s why books number 3 and 4 are on clean code principles and design patterns. My goal is to not only improve my style and efficiency when coding, but also to improve my ability to quickly grok code written by other programmers or legacy code.
3. Design Patterns in Python - Common GoF Design Patterns implemented in Python: I see this as a good opportunity to work on understanding code written by others, while at the same time getting down some design patterns in Python. I’ve gone through a uni course that covered classic design patterns in Java, so I’m hoping to make some connections and improve my understanding by looking at this from the point of view of another programming language, Python.
4. Clean Code: The classic. I’ve been wanting to read this for a long time, but lacked the Java experience. Using more of Java for university at the moment, so it seemed like a good point in time to tackle this. Since I work a lot with python, my mentor during my last Python project advised me to take this book with a grain of salt, especially since I’m not a puristic OOP guy. In any case, there are a lot of truths in this book and from the first couple of chapters I’ve read, I already had some aha moments that allowed me to improve aspects of one of my projects.
I hope you enjoyed this article, that’s it for now - thanks for stopping by!